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  • Issue 132: The Balance

Issue 132: The Balance

Post-Election Do's and Don'ts, designed for (tired) leaders.

In our work, we’re lucky to know and collaborate with so many smart, empathetic leaders. They’re inspired to build incredible things, but also to build a work experience that feels accepting and human. Right now, they’re all tired.

As a leader, it's a tough task to support your team emotionally when they’re understandably distressed by world events, worry about how they might impact your own self and business, and be years deep into steering an organization through a rough economy. You want to be the person who holds infinite space, who offers unlimited time to process, who cultivates a strong culture of support in the workplace. At the same time, you might also be the person who’s stressed that if we don’t hit targets this month ship that update on time, or make a new political game plan, we won’t have a workplace much longer.

It might seem hopelessly difficult to balance. One way to have impact and ensure your team feels taken care of (and ready to focus) is to hone in on practical things. Here are some ways to stay proactive:


  • Look at your current (and any new) healthcare plans with a discerning eye, and ensure they reflect your values. If you cannot find a plan that covers the types of healthcare you want to support, (including reproductive health or healthcare support for trans folks for example), the use of flexible health and lifestyle spending accounts may be helpful.

  • Stay on top of news that may affect immigration and the workplace. It’s a little early to know what will happen, but one thing you can consider at this moment is reviewing (or launching) your remote employment policy in case you need to rely on it to hire and retain your team members.

  • Make a proactive statement reminding your team about mental health benefits, your EAP, or any other existing resources.

  • Check in on people and listen, but have boundaries; a manager is not a therapist. You’re there to help them show up well at work, not fix the world or their personal anxieties. If they need additional support or help, encourage them to a) seek it through the available channels above b) work with you to come up with some specific ways you can support them in their work.

  • Use validation instead of commiseration. You don’t need to personally agree or go deep into a mutual ranting session if someone brings you big feelings (in fact, we don’t recommend it). It’s both easy (and validating) to use phrases like “It’s very normal that you’d feel that way” or “I hear you. How can I help?”

  • If you work at a charitable or political organization (or another one whose mission directly connects to the political environment), find ways to transmute tough feelings into impactful actions.

  • Lean harder into cultivating a positive vibe by celebrating achievements, shouting out folks who do good work, and/or hosting a lighthearted and connecting team activity.


  • Ignore conflict. If folks are having trouble working together productively, you can use methods like active listening, mutual reflection, and designing alliances. The Bright + Early Guide to Work Fights goes into step-by-step detail here. If it’s not already in place, ensure you have policies on how conflict will be handled. For trickier and escalated issues, have a firm policy on reporting abusive or harassing behaviour and how it will be responded to.

  • Assume anyone on your team’s political stance or leaning.

  • Use this exact moment to launch a new statement or stance on being an apolitical company. With so many feelings flying around, this could easily backfire. If you would prefer to keep political discussions out of the workplace, focus on neutral communications about available supports, still ensuring that those who need them receive them.

  • Forget to take care of yourself. As they say, you can’t pour from an empty cup (or one that hasn’t had a day off in months).

Be well,

-Your friends at Bright + Early

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What’s New at B+E 🍏

We had such a warm-cup-filling time at our first client + community breakfast, and posted a few photos here. In Toronto and want to attend the next one? Watch this space!

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